Nominee "Nick Ariotti" - 2024 Best of Boulder City

Nick Ariotti

About this Nominee

Hello. Since I was nominated and wasn’t looking to be, I felt I needed put out some of the things I have done for the community for anyone who doesn’t know me. The Trump flag is just me exercising the freedoms we are blessed to have in this beautiful country and supporting the candidate of my choice without fear of retribution. I encourage all to do the same regardless of who your candidate is.

Father to three

36 year resident of BC.

Attended K thru 12. Was part of the first class to go 3rd 4th and 5th in the brand new King Elementary School. Graduated from BCHS.

Serviced Boulder City’s Land Survey needs from 1998-Current.

Performed Surveying services on every Solar Field in Boulder City either through City of BC contracts or working for the owners.

Coached Little League for 8 years

Served in volunteer capacity for the Nevada Association of Land Surveyors Southern Chapter from 2015 to 2020.

2020 Nevada Association of Land Surveyors Southern Chapter President.

Served in volunteer capacity for the Nevada Association of Land Surveyors Statewide from 2019 to current.

Current 2024 Vice-President of the Nevada Association of Land Surveyors.

Approved Nominee for the 2025 President of the Nevada Association of Land Surveyors.

15+ years on the Damboree Committee with duties including layout of parade line up. Re-designed RV parking at Vets to increase revenue but more importantly make ingress and egress safer for all the wonderful people who make the trek into the park to watch our amazing Fireworks. All Signage at vets. Co-Managing with Adam Fradella the RV parking, golf cart pickup and drop off, trash, lights, and assisting with any needs at Vets Park from the 3rd to the 4th.

In 2017, created a new Grid Layout System used for all major events using any of the four parks downtown and donated a full design, aerial photogrammetry, and topography. Created and set new permanent control points for Bicentennial, Wilbur Square, Escalante North and South that are used for Spring Jam and Art in the Park. All of this was donated to BC Chamber of Commerce in honor of the late Elmer G. Radig and Bob Senko who had previously donated their Land Surveying expertise from 1980’s to into the 2000’s.

March 2019, broke out the window of a burning vehicle and pulled the intoxicated driver to safety before the vehicle burned completely. The man just killed another motorist in front of Chilly Jilly’s. He lived and was brought to justice.

2018 created Damsurveyor Monument Corporation a non-profit 501c(3) to build a Monument to Land Surveying and Engineering achievements at Hoover Dam utilizing the history of John Tierney and son Patrick who were first and last fatalities on the Boulder(Hoover) Dam Construction project. Artist Steven Ligouri made a statue of John that is to be used as the model and placed atop the hill where the Trump flag is. The plan is to have a publicly accessible Venue for all to be able to come, learn, see and take in the beauty that God created, additions that man has made and the good we are capable of.

I hope everyone had a safe and amazing Labor Day. God Bless Boulder City and God Bless America. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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